Title: Ama no gawa made todoke! Inazuma Eleven GO Tanabata Festival
When: Saturday July 7, 2012 (Begins 19:00 JST = 3:00 AM PST also on the 7th)
Nico Nico Douga link
Part 1 (FREE viewing on net with Nico Nico Douga account):
-Opening live, introduction to Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stone with the seiyuu and President Hino
-Latest news on the game and anime
Part 2 (NET ticket holders have priority viewing):
-Live recording of an original Tanabata theme story
-Seiyuu talk sessions, live performances of character songs and from T-Pistonz+KMC
-Other original and exclusive event goods
-More details to be presented at a later time
Appearances by:
Terasaki Yuka (Matsukaze Tenma)
Kimura Akiko (Fei Rune)
Oohara Takashi (Tsurugi Kyousuke)
Saiga Mitsuki (Shindou Takuto)
Kobayashi Yuu (Kirino Ranmaru)
Satou Kensuke (Sangoku Taichi)
MC America Zarigani
LEVEL-5 Hino Akihiro
“Real” tickets (~140 of them) to the event location itself (Nicofarre Hall) are being sold for 5250 yen (~$66). Comes with a meet and greet session with the seiyuu.
“Net” tickets to view the event online on Nico Nico Douga will go on sale June 9, 10 AM (Japan time) for 1,575 points (yen, or ~$20 USD). (Note: NicoDouga uses a special security system that does not accept payments from outside Japan >_>).
Warnings that although Part 1 is free viewing for all, there may be times when the NicoDouga server will NOT accept all connections. In such cases, Net ticket holders and Nico Premium account holders will have access priority.
If you want a NicoDouga account but can’t read Japanese, you can Google a tutorial on registering.
6/19 Update: The following characters will have “Morning wakeup messages” recorded based on lines submitted by fans:
Terasaki Yuka (Matsukaze Tenma)
Kimura Akiko (Fei Rune)
Oohara Takashi (Tsurugi Kyousuke)
Saiga Mitsuki (Shindou Takuto)
Kobayashi Yuu (Kirino Ranmaru)
Satou Kensuke (Sangoku Taichi)
T-Pistonz+KMC (all 4 in one recording)
Taniyama Kishou (Alpha)
The messages will then be put into alarm clocks that will be given as prizes to 8 lucky people. (I just personally wish the voices will be available to download on PC too but it’s probably not likely…? :V)
Source: Official Site