Category Archives: News

News – More info on upcoming Character Song album

More info on the upcoming Character Song Album on sale April 6, 2011.
The tentative info from a previous news post has been confirmed, in that the 5 characters in the Inazuma All-Stars cast will each get a solo in the album. Also, there will be 9 new songs on the album to make a total of 11 tracks.

A total of 15 members of the Inazuma Eleven cast will be singing for the album.
Member announcements are coming next week!

Buy the CD to show your support!


News – Bokura no Goal! PV, T-Pistonz + KMC Interview

Okay well it’s not really “new” at this point but I’ll archive it. XD
UP-FRONT WORKS has uploaded the full PV to “Bokura no Goal!” by T-Pistonz + KMC.

The single comes out on February 23 and comes in Limited Editions Version A, Version B, and Regular Edition.

A T-Pistonz + KMC interview by music news site Natalie reveals quite a few interesting tidbits, including the group going on tour this year. Their goals and hopes for the year following the tour include producing a 2nd album, a worldwide tour, and appearing on Kouhaku.

News – Inazuma All-Stars Promotions

UP-FRONT WORKS has opened up a Character Song Special Site for Inazuma Eleven. Additionally, they’ve opened a staff blog.

The single for ending 7 for the anime, “Mata ne… no Kisetsu” by Inazuma All-Stars made it to #5 on the Oricon daily chart for February 18.

Let’s keep the sales going~

News – Inazuma Eleven GO Official Site Open

Inazuma Eleven GO Official Site is open!

Story and character info are pretty much the same as published in CoroCoro this month.

The streaming PV that had been posted up here has been extended past the previous February 14 “deadline” so that more people can view it. This PV is also available at the GO site.

News – Song Collection Vol. 1 and Character Song Book Music Albums

Current info on upcoming albums:

Title: Inazuma Eleven Song Collection ~Super-dimensional Theme Song Collection 1~ [Regular Edition/CD + DVD] [Deluxe Edition/CD + 2DVD] TV イナズマイレブン ソングコレクション~超次元テーマソング集! 1
Artist: T-Pistonz, twe’lv, T-Pistonz + KMC, Berryz Koubou, Inazuma All-Stars
Released: 2011/3/23
Catalog No.: PKCF-1042-46 (1042-44 for Limited Edition, 1045-46 for Regular)
『イナズマイレブン』ソングブック (豪華盤) 4,800円

『イナズマイレブン』ソングブック (通常盤) 3,000円

01. 立ち上がリーヨ / T-Pistonz
02. 青春おでん / twe’lv
03. マジで感謝! / T-Pistonz+KMC
04. 青春バスガイド / Berryz工房
05. つながリーヨ / T-Pistonz+KMC
06. 流星ボーイ / Berryz工房
07. 勝って泣こうゼッ! / T-Pistonz+KMC
08. 雄叫びボーイ WAO! / Berryz工房
09. GOODキター! / T-Pistonz+KMC
10. 本気ボンバー!! / Berryz工房
11. シャイニング パワー / Berryz工房
※予定されていたtrack11.「僕らのゴォール! / T-Pistonz+KMC」の収録は無くなりました。

【DVD アニメOP&ED】 ※豪華盤・通常盤共通
01. 立ち上がリーヨ / T-Pistonz (アニメオープニングver.)
02. 青春おでん / twe’lv (アニメエンディングver.)
03. マジで感謝! / T-Pistonz+KMC (アニメオープニングver.)
04. 青春バスガイド / Berryz工房 (アニメエンディングver.)
05. つながリーヨ / T-Pistonz+KMC (アニメオープニングver.)
06. 流星ボーイ / Berryz工房 (アニメエンディングver.)
07. 勝って泣こうゼッ! / T-Pistonz+KMC (アニメオープニングver.)
08. 雄叫びボーイ WAO! / Berryz工房 (アニメエンディングver.)
09. GOODキター! / T-Pistonz+KMC (アニメオープニングver.)
10. 本気ボンバー!! / Berryz工房 (アニメエンディングver.)
11. シャイニング パワー / Berryz工房 (アニメエンディングver.)
track11.「僕らのゴォール! / T-Pistonz+KMC (アニメオープニングver.)」
track13.「またね…のキセツ / イナズマオールスターズ (アニメエンディングver.)」
☆ イナズマイレブンスペシャルムービー「取り戻せ!仲間との絆」(約20分)

Title: Inazuma Eleven Character Song Book (Tentative) イナズマイレブン キャラクターソングブック
Artist: Inazuma All-Stars
Released: 2011/4/13
Catalog No.: PKCF-1047
01. またね・・・のキセツ / イナズマオールスターズ [テレビ東京系アニメ「イナズマイレブン」エンディングテーマ]
02. 最強で最高 / イナズマオールスターズ
03. タイトル未定 / 円堂守 (CV : 竹内順子)
04. タイトル未定 / 豪炎寺修也 (CV : 野島裕史)
05. タイトル未定 / 鬼道有人 (CV : 吉野裕行)
06. タイトル未定 / 風丸一郎太 (CV : 西墻由香)
07. タイトル未定 / 吹雪士郎 (CV : 宮野真守)
08. 雷門中校歌(仮)
11 tracks total
tentative listing

*edit* February 15, 2011: CD title and tracklistings for the general song book have been changed, implying a vol. 2 may be available in the future.

*edit* March 9, 2011: Character Album listing has been updated.

News – Inazuma Eleven 4 Official Title, Inazuma Strikers release date

Some early information on the game. Some old info, some new info. Character descriptions are now from the official site.

Official title is Inazuma Eleven GO

○ 「松風天馬」 Matsukaze Tenma, a first year who loves soccer, is the new leading protagonist. His skills still need lots of development, but at least his dribbling is exceptional. He has a habit of saying “It’ll work out somehow.” The story starts with him entering Raimon Jr. High 10 years after the first FFI, where Raimon has become famous for its soccer.
An organization called Fifth Sector controls soccer in this setting. The passion that Raimon once had for soccer is no longer there.
Other characters:
○ 「神童拓人」MF/2nd year – Shindou Takuto – Team captain, also known as the genius “God Takuto”
○ 「霧野蘭丸」DF/2nd year – Kirino Ranmaru – Shindou’s close friend who plays with such an elegant style that he could easily be mistaken for a woman.
○ 「三国太一」GK/3rd year – Sangoku Taichi – The goalkeeper who acts as the supporting pillar for the Raimon Eleven. His teammates have deep trust in him.
○ 「西園信助」DF/1st year – Nishizono Shinsuke – Always energetic and optimistic. A new member just like Tenma! He gets along with Tenma very well.

○ 「剣城京介」 – Tsurugi Kyousuke – Talented player with ferocious abilities, but seems to despise soccer for some reason. Is he an ally or an enemy?!

Inazuma Strikers for the Wii has a set release date on April 28, 2011, priced at 5980 yen (before tax).

Source: 2ch, CoroCoro Magazine March 2011


This post marks the start. How far can we go o>