All official wallpapers here belong to Inazuma Eleven™ © LEVEL-5
These are all personally collected from past promotions and most are no longer available from the official website. Others are still available, such as the one on . Keep up with the official websites for the latest wallpapers! (ex: Movie website)
1440 x 900:
Inazuma Eleven the Movie:
1440 x 900:
Inazuma Eleven Strikers Promotion:
The full set, including other wallpapers and other sizes (1024×768, 1366×768) are available in this zip
1280 x 1024:
Episode 85-91 Promotion:
Inazuma Eleven the Movie:
Inazuma Eleven the Movie Character MVP Poll #1:
Inazuma Eleven the Movie Character MVP Poll #2:
9 responses to “Images – Official Wallpapers”