The official site for Inazuma Eleven Strikers (Wii) has put up a series of trailers with a campaign to rally user views in order for them to reveal new information about the Inazuma Eleven GO series.
Here’s the rundown:
1. 40,000 views: Are there other Avatars other than “Holy Sword Lancelot” and “Instrumentalist Maestro”?
2. 70,000 views: What are Kidou, Kazemaru, Fubuki, Kabeyama, Fudou and Fuyuka doing now?
3. 90,000 views: What’s the Emperor Penguin series of hissatsu techniques going to be in Inazuma Eleven GO?
4. 140,000 views: Info on the member previously from Inazuma Japan, living in Kogarashi Manor!
5. 250,000 views: Endou Mamoru’s wife revealed!
6. 350,000 views: Gojou’s appearance in Inazuma Eleven GO!
Btw, the “Endou’s wife” poll is still going. The official verdict is out but I’ll leave this up as a memento!
And don’t forget the game this is all about!!
Title: Inazuma Eleven Strikers
イナズマイレブン ストライカーズ
Console: Nintendo Wii
Released: July 16, 2011
Buy Inazuma Eleven Strikers (Nintendo Wii) at
Also available at CDJapan
*edit* There’s a special note on the bottom stating that the view count is dependent on YouTube’s counter functions, so the numbers on the site may not be an accurate depiction of the current view count. Also quite possible that overloading on the videos causes the view count to stop altogether, temporarily. Bah technology. XD;
*edit2* View count goal numbers changed (100k to 40k, etc), probably because of the flooding problems. Gogogo!
1. 40,000 views: Are there other Avatars other than “Holy Sword Lancelot” and “Instrumentalist Maestro”?
-Aviator Falco
-Conjurer Purim
-Machine Soldier Galleus
2. 70,000 views: What are Kidou, Kazemaru, Fubuki, Kabeyama, Fudou and Fuyuka doing now?
3. 90,000 views: What’s the Emperor Penguin series of hissatsu techniques going to be in Inazuma Eleven GO?
Emperor Penguin No. 7
A long shoot using the seven colors of the rainbow. Lasts a total of 7.8 seconds.
4. 140,000 views: Info on the member previously from Inazuma Japan, living in Kogarashi Manor!
Also self-explanatory
5. 250,000 views: Endou Mamoru’s wife revealed!
The verdict is out! Congratulations~
And a new goal set for 350k, obviously as an inside joke from previous campaigns… lolol
*edit8* July 28, 2011
6. 350,000 views: Gojou’s appearance in Inazuma Eleven GO!
Since the image has the movie copyright on the bottom, his appearance is probably for the movie? XDD
End of campaign!